Lavatit 14 is an easy break, a smooth consistency, lead free jointing. Lavatit 14 is a thin consistency for use on small joints that are new and undamaged. If used on screw threaded joints. It is recommended that it only use on those fitting with a diameter of 12 mm.
Lavatit 14 jointing is ideal for use on all types of flanged or screw threaded joints at high temp. (700 °) and have been formulated to meet the most exacting requirements of the Automotives, Marine, Electrical and General Engineering Industries.
Lavatit 14 is applied by brush. Surfaces must be absolutely clean. Use methylated spirit for cleaning off when re-marking Lavatit 14 joints, for thinning paste if necessary, and for cleaning brushes. Stir non-setting compounds before and during use, well.